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Regular University Teaching Qualification(UTQ)/ Regulier Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO)

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University Teaching Qualification (UTQ)

In order to improve the quality of university education and professional development of their teaching staff, FHML has recognized the - nationally mandatory - University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) and supports teachers in the (further) development of their teaching competences by offering a UTQ programme. Completion of the UTQ programme is mandatory for all teachers with B and C roles at FHML and is recommended for teachers with A roles, researchers, and PhD candidates.

The UTQ can be attained in various ways, depending on the extent to which the UTQ competencies and underlying skills have already been developed and demonstrated. There are three ways to attain a UTQ, of which the UTQ programme is the most common choice:

1. Regular UTQ programme

2. PAC trajectory

3. UTQ exemption


1. Regular UTQ programme

Study load UTQ programme, teaching hours compensation, and accreditation
Study load varies per participant and includes attending the five compulsory meetings (40 hours), studying literature, applying newly acquired knowledge in practice, coaching (if needed), reflection, and composing the UTQ portfolio.

The department receives 40 teaching hours to compensate for participation in the UTQ meetings. These hours will be granted once the UTQ certificate has been obtained. For PhDs, the UTQ programme is part of their standard training programme and, therefore, the compensation does not apply.

After full participation in the UTQ programme, medical specialists receive 30 credits for general training according to the ABAN registration. The hospital pharmacists (ZA) receive 20 credits through the ZA registration.

Basic requirements
Before you can sign up for the UTQ programme, you must meet the following basic requirements:

- You have an appointment at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences with at least 0.1 fte of teaching.

- Your head of department has agreed upon your participation.

- You have successfully completed the PBL introductory course (Principles of PBL) even when you have studied at Maastrichtuniversity..

- You have successfully completed the Small-Group Teacher Training (SGTT (the former tutor ​training)) or the Mentoring Skills training or the CORE training (the CORE training consists of one of two  Introduction training courses for new CORE teachers and CORE group dynamics.). 

- You have ample teaching experience. The minimum requirement is that you perform the role of tutor, mentor, CORE trainer, or any other role involving small-group teaching for the second time during the UTQ programme. However, a broader educational experience is preferred for compiling the UTQ portfolio.

- You undertake some teaching activities for practice and reflection while following the UTQ programme. If this is not the case, your head of department should ensure that you can undertake the required educational activities.

Important note: Only courses offered by the taskforce Faculty Development (DocProf) meet the admission requirements.

If you meet the basic requirements, you can sign up for the UTQ programme by filling out the registration form. After registration, you will receive an intake form.

Based on the information on the intake form, it will be decided whether the amount of educational activities you perform is sufficient to start the UTQ programme.

If the intake form is approved, your enrolment will be made final. In case of doubt, you will be invited to discuss the feasibility of the UTQ programme.

For any inquiries or questions, please contact the UTQ secretariat:


2. PAC trajectory (EVC)

Based on their previously acquired competences (PACs), teachers with ample teaching experience and/or a teaching qualification other than the UTQ (in combination with a teaching appointment that is equivalent to 0.1 fte) may be eligible for the so-called PAC trajectory. In this trajectory, candidates independently compose their teaching portfolio. Ample teaching experience is considered to be at least 5-10 years of significant teaching activities at higher education institutions.

Basic requirements of the PAC trajectory
Before you can make a request for a PAC trajectory, you must meet the following basic requirements:

- You have an appointment at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.

- Your head of department has agreed upon your participation.

- You have successfully completed the PBL introductory course (Principles of PBL).

- You have successfully completed the small-group teacher training (SGTT), the former tutor ​training, the mentor training, or the CORE training.  (Please note that you need to have completed the full CORE training, including the two optional modules about feedback and group dynamics.)

If you meet the basic requirements, you can sign up for the UTQ programme by filling out the register form.  After registration, you will receive an intake form for composing a portfolio.

The PAC trajectory
You can start the PAC trajectory at any time. During the PAC trajectory, you will independently compose a portfolio with thorough reflections on the development of your core teaching competences and underlying skills, based on your experiences in educational practice. Your reflections are supported by evidence and educational literature. The PAC trajectory ends with an assessment of your portfolio during a meeting in which you have the opportunity to explain the content of your portfolio.

The duration of the PAC trajectory depends on the amount of time you want to put in composing your UTQ portfolio. As soon as you decide your portfolio is complete and ready for assessment, you can submit the portfolio via

Teaching hours compensation
The department receives no teaching hours to compensate for participation in the PAC trajectory because it is assumed that, based on the educational experiences the teacher has, s/he is able to compose a UTQ portfolio with relatively limited effort.

For any inquiries or questions, please contact


3. UTQ exemption

As of January 1, 2022, no exemptions for the UTQ are granted anymore. If you have sufficient teaching competencies or a teaching qualification other than the UTQ, you can apply for the PAC/EVC trajectory (see above). Please note that acquiring the UTQ is more beneficial than an exemption because the UTQ is valid at every Dutch university (as well as three Flemish universities: Antwerp, Leuven, and Hasselt), whereas an exemption is not.


Course dates
  • 21 Jan 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 25 Feb 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 25 Mar 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 22 Apr 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 20 May 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
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  • 22 Jan 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 26 Feb 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 26 Mar 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 23 Apr 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 21 May 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
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  • 13 May 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 10 Jun 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 01 Jul 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 09 Sep 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 14 Oct 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
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  • 14 May 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 11 Jun 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 02 Jul 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 10 Sep 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
  • 15 Oct 2025: 09:00- 17:00; 
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